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What is perilla, the effect and effect of perilla

What is perilla, the effect and effect of perilla


What is Perilla, the effect and effect of perilla
What is perilla?

Perilla, with a special aroma, the leaves are more wrinkled and curled, the color on both sides is purple, and some of the above colors are green, and the lower layer is purple. It is a commonly used spice in Hunan cuisine, and is used to help remove the fishy smell. There are many kinds of basil called the ancient name, also known as Baisu, Chisu, Hongsu, Xiangsu, Hesu, Baisu, Qingsu, Yesu, Suma, Sucao, Tangsui, Guiyu , wrinkle leaves and so on.

What is perilla, the effect and effect of perilla

Perilla is native to China and is mainly distributed in India, Myanmar, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Indonesia and Russia. Many provinces in China have wild and cultivated varieties. Perilla is both a very good spice and a food with a lot of edible effects. It is mainly used for medicinal, oil, spices, edible, etc. Its leaves (Su Ye), stems (Sue stalk), and fruit (Suzi) can be used as medicine. Young leaves can be eaten raw, soup, and stems and leaves can be flooded. .

What is perilla, the effect and effect of perilla

The efficacy and effect of perilla 1. Perilla leaves are spicy, warm, and qi. Perilla leaves are often used to treat colds, colds, fever, cough, and asthma. Perilla can be cold, has a strong sweating ability, and is a kind of ginger. It has a very small auxiliary effect on cold treatment. Some people often take with Wu almond, Qian Hu, etc. If they have both qi stagnation and chest tightness, they can be taken with Wuxiang, Chenpi, etc., such as Su San.
2, the role of perilla leaves in the regulation of qi and qi, can also relieve vomiting, for chills, and spleen and stomach qi stagnation, chest tightness and vomiting embolism, you can use perilla to help relieve symptoms, and stomach vomiting The magical effect. For those who are cold, the perilla leaves can be used together with musk; those who are hot can be used together with yellow; those with partial qi stagnation are often used with Pinellia and Magnolia. Good.
3, perilla leaves can be used for pregnancy vomiting, fetal movement, restless chest and abdomen. It is often compatible with dried tangerine peel and Amomum vulgaris. After taking it, it can achieve the effect of vomiting and fetus. Pregnant women who use perilla to stop vomiting and have a fetus need to be guided by a doctor.
4, perilla leaves can also detoxify, used to alleviate abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea caused by eating fish and crab, single use or with ginger, white simmer decoction, the effect is significant.

5, perilla leaves have heat-clearing and detoxification, inhibit fungal growth, blood sugar, blood coagulation, promote intestinal peristalsis, calm and sleep, etc. It can treat generalized rubella, common warts, uterine bleeding, uterine ptosis, etc., and can also be used for bronchitis , treatment of chronic bronchitis and other diseases.

What is perilla, the effect and effect of perilla

The medicinal value of perilla 1. Treatment of cold and fever: Su Ye, wind, and Chuanxiong each have a five-point money, Chenpi a money, and licorice six points. Add ginger and two slices of decoction. ("I don't know the medical necessity" Su Ye Tang)
2, the treatment of cold and gas: dry Su Ye three two, Chen orange peel four or two, wine four liters to cook one and a half, divided into re-service. ("Filling the elbow rear")
3, cure cough and short gas: basil leaves () one or two, ginseng half two. On the second flavor, rough sieve, each serving three money, water, simmer, to seven points, go to sputum, warm clothes, and then again. ("Shengji General Record" Perilla Soup)
4, treatment of typhoid fever is not limited: a red sue, three liters of water, cook two liters, a little drink. ("Filling the elbow rear")
5, the treatment of fetal gas is not harmonious, put on the confidant, full of pain, said the son hanging: big belly skin, Chuanxiong, white peony, dried tangerine peel (to white), basil leaves, angelica (going reed, wine dip) one or two Ginseng and licorice () are half each. Finely cut, each serving four money, water one and a half, five pieces of ginger, seven-inch onion, fried to seven points, hollow warm clothes. ("Jisheng Fang" Zisu Drink)
6, cure phlegm swelling and pain: Perilla fry soup frequency service, and seal it. ("Sea Fairy")
7, treatment of gold sore bleeding: tender basil leaves, mulberry leaves, with the same paste. ("")
8, treatment of sputum damage: Perilla sputum application, sores mouth self-contained. ("Talking Wilder Tester")
9, the treatment of snakes and wounds: the basil leaves simmered in the juice. ("")

10, treatment of crab poisoning: basil and boiled juice drink. ("")

What is perilla, the effect and effect of perilla

The method of eating perilla leaves, fresh leaves, mixed with warm salt water and MSG in a container, put into a dish, add a small amount of cooked oil ready to eat, taste delicious, endless aftertaste, and is conducive to the absorption of various vitamins.
2, fried: egg white plus a small amount of flour, a small amount of salt, monosodium glutamate, adjust the porridge, put the leaf face up, face down to the face, put in warm oil to cook until moderate to eat salt and pepper.
3, perilla leaves sashimi, mixed with raw food, or mixed with shrimp, crab, the appropriate amount of raw perilla leaves, detoxification and warm stomach function.
4, hot pot foraging: together with seafood, meat, etc. into the hot pot, you can eat it with a little heat, do not take too long, and then drink its soup, the taste is very beautiful.
5, fresh leaves with horseradish or sweet noodles raw food, taste very fresh, natural, nutritious.
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